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Togovere Village Signs MOU with UTOF

An exceptional accomplishment for Noqu Vanua Investment and Team Leader Poate Matairavula! Signing an MOU with Sionasi Toniyasau, the Village Vakatawa of Togavere Village in the Ra province.

Marking a historic moment as the first village in Ra to formalize such an agreement. Opening an account for their village shop signifies a substantial step towards community development, providing benefits to their villagers of all ages.

The positive reception from the villagers of Togavere is a testament to the team's effective communication and engagement. Working late into the night to facilitate new account registrations underscores the team's dedication and commitment to ensuring the smooth implementation of the initiative.

Overall, this initiative not only strengthens the relationship between Unit Trust of Fiji and Togavere Village but also sets a precedent for future collaborations that could further enhance the village's economic and social well-being.

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